My HaploGroup
As Summarized by National Geographic GenoGraphic Project
P305 100,000 years ago Africa
M 42 80,000 Africa
M168 70,000 Out of Africa
P143 60,000 Beach comber
M 89 55,000 Iran
M578 50,000 Drought, moved on
P128 45,000 So Cental Asia
M526 42,000 Afganistan
M 45 35,000 Savannas of Central Asia
M207 30,000 Kashmir
P231 25,000 Central Asia
M417 20,000 Continue in Central Asia, big in Ashkenazi Jews
M 17 15,000 Steppes of Kazakhstan
Probably moved across the northern European plain as the Mammoth were killed off
and he had to continue to move west into the dawn of the Mesolithic ageN.
Location is center of mass of concentration of that haplogroup. The individual could
live thousands of miles from the center.
L 180,000 years ago Africa
L3 67,000 East Africa
N 60,000 Out of Africa
R 55,000 Persia
T 25,000 Caucasus
T2 19,000 Chechnya
T2b 10,000 End of the ice age, dawn of the Mesolothic age.
From there moved around the Black Sea to N. Central Europe
or Perhaps more directly up the Danube to Central Europe.
I like to think of her family as having mmigrated across the Don and Dnieper of
to join the movement of agricultural villagers up the fertile valleys into Central Europe.
Great Britain and Ireland 40%
Western and Central Europe 36%
Scandinavia 13%
Jewish Diaspora 7%
Asia Minor 2%
Thus the northern route of hunters is slightly more likely than
the central route of the Danube Farmers.
ABOUT : Gen 2.0 of National Geographic GenoGrapic Project
Further research: Ages of Mankind -- Prehistoric cultures of Europe.
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Last update: January 30, 2016