Creative Retirement - Friday Roundtable
VOLCANOES -- April 10, 2015
Ring of Fire Volcanoes
Strato volcano -- have a nice peak
blocky rock -- viscous -- high in silica, not runny, threfore tall vocanoes.
Explosive release of gases
contains water, C12) organic found in phyto plankton, ie. seawater
Sea floor suduction under shore surface, upper level contains water which as gas
goes up formaing mountains.
Basalst volcanoes, such as Hawaii
Runnier magna - creates flatten vocano shape
Sea mounts -- 80 in the Hawaian Islands
a hot spot in earth's crust is moving south. North Islands are older, greener.
meven? -- remains of melting glaciers that reduce the containing pressure that is holding down magna.
Iceland formed by mid-Atlantic ridge (plates) with a hotspot under.
A much more interesting subject than was anticipated. There are at least three kinds, have several notes of things to look up. Which means it was thought provoking. Want to lookup plate movements and directions.
Last updated : April 22, 2015
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