Creative Retirement - Friday Round Table
Marshalltown Community School District
Some Statistics
- 5,100 Students
- Nine schools - six elementary; one intermediate and one middle; and one high school
- 16”‘ largest school district in the state
- Minority-majority district with 60% of students non-white
- State leader in STEM education — science, technology, engineering and math
A couple of big challenges for MCSD
- Open enrollment: students living in district choose to attend school elsewhere
- Comprehensive immigration reform is stalled in Congress
Community collaboration a big asset to Marshalltown school system.
- An important example: Business-Education Alliance
Initiated by the Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with the Marshalltown Community
School District and Iowa Valley Community College District.
Purpose is to align business and education needs to best develop the future workforce for the
benefit of both students and employers.
Important for MCSD to motivate students to pursue post- secondary education.
73% of MHS graduates do pursue p0st- secondary education
Iowa needs more skilled workers - Statistics from Iowa Workforce Development
Middle-skill jobs - require less than a four-year bachelor's degree
- 56% ofjobs in Iowa require more than a high school degree but less than a four-year bachelor's degree
- 33% of Iowa workers possess these skills
Low-skill jobs - require a high school diploma or less
- 12% ofjobs in Iowa are low-skill
- 38% of Iowa workers are considered low-skill
High-skill jobs - require at least a four-year bachelor's degree
- 32% ofjobs in Iowa are high-skill
- 29% of Iowa workers are considered high-skill