1 . U.S. and Rising Nations
TOP Economies
US, China, Japan, India, germany, Gritain, Russia, France, Brazil, Italy
Forecast Rates of Increase.
China, India, Russia, Brazil ,South Africa, World /Average, Mexico, Britain, Euro Nations, Japan, USA
Video adds Turkey.
What Makes a Major Power?
force, wealth, influence
terrirotry, resources, capacity, stability, military
population, urbanization, industrialization, energy, output
1. energy,
2. emissions
3. nuclear nonproliferation
4. terrorism
5. cultural factors
1. multidimentionality
2. power is relative
3. integrate (impossible)
4. uncertainty, transparency
5. responsibile stakeholders. getting own house in order
6. non-zero sum. done better with cooperation.
Pre-meeting notes:
Pg. 11. In an attempt to show that the IS still number one in innovation "The US still stands head and shoulders above the rest, with some 53,000 patent applications in 2007, copared to 28,000 for Japan and just 5,000 in China."
BUT, per capital, the US has 17 per 100,000 people and Japan has 22 per 100K, 30% more.
News item: "Japan, home to almost half of the world's 800,000 industrial robots."